Pacific Coast Float
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Float During Pregnancy
Sensory Deprivation Therapy for pregnant women within the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, with medical clearance from your doctor floatation therapy can offer a excellent level of relaxation, and pain relief not found outside of the float tank.
Sensory Deprivation AKA Floatation Therapy allows you to release the added weight of pregnancy by floating in a weightless environment, taking the strain off the body and spine. It promotes excellent sleep, a sense of well being, and can help with all the aches and pains normally associated with pregnancy.
Floating in a floatation tank can greatly help in pregnancy, the mom to be can float through the pregnancy with a level of calm and comfort. The Epsom salt solution is of great benefit in pregnancy by decease inflammation as well as the added benefits of absorption of magnesium from the solution in the float tank.
There is an amazing spiritual connection called the 'mirror effect' one can experience while floating. As the baby floats in the womb of the mother, and the mother floats in the womb of the tank this can bring great communal pleasure for the mother deepening her connection with her baby.
Many find in the third trimester of pregnancy to be the most uncomfortable. All this pressure on your lungs, and other organs, one might find trouble breathing and sleeping. Floating to relieve these pressures can help aide in those pains leaving you able to truly enjoy every moment your precious bundle grows safely inside of you.